Our intention

BRIDGE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES LIMITED aims to be as clear as possible about how and why we use information about you so that you can be confident that your privacy is protected. We use your information in accordance with all laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR 2016. As per these laws, BRIDGE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES LIMITED is the data controller.

A more detail policy is available [link to Full document]. If your questions are not fully answered by this policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer (Dr Peter Corr, company director). If you are not satisfied with the answers from the Data Protection Officer, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Why do we need to collect your personal data?

We need to collect information about you so that we know who to communicate with, how to communicate with them, how to deliver services to you, how to safely receive payment for these services and so that we can make sure we are dealing with the right people.

What personal information do we collect and when do we collect it?

For us to provide you with services, we need to collect: your name, your contact details, personal information about your circumstances (such as life experiences; medical or health information), we also may need to know personal information about significant others such as family and friends. We will usually want to collect current and previous health, social care and education information.

How do we use the information that we collect?

We use the data we collect from you in order to deliver our services to you in the form of assessment reports, clinical advice and interventions, diagnostic and clinical opinion and with your agreement we will share information with others where it may be helpful for your or someone else’s wellbeing.

Sometimes we may need to share information without your consent. This would be in situations where we have concerns about the wellbeing of yourself or others and where we need to notify the appropriate people or agencies.

Where do we keep your information?

We keep your information securely in paper and electronic form. It is encrypted and password protected. We seek to keep information primarily in electronic format so where possible we will scan paper documents and then once scanned we destroy the paper originals.

How long do we keep the information?

We keep your information for a minimum of seven years as this is the required length to comply with the HMRC requirements. For children we keep their information for 7 years beyond their 18th birthday.

What rights do I have?

  • You can ask us to share with you all of the information that we hold about you.
  • You have the right to ask for your information to be updated if any of it is incorrect
  • You have the right to ask that we destroy your information.

All of these requests should be made to our Data Protection Officer on: 07806564503 or by email at:


Privacy Policy